When you’re running a small press it can be hard to find time to promote the books you are publishing. Promoting or selling books isn’t necessarily your strong point or the reason you got into publishing in the first place.

Disrupted Blue Indie Press Publicity exists to take care of those jobs you don’t have time for. Whether it’s something long-term or for just a short period — a particular project or otherwise — we are happy to help. 

Although Disrupted Blue has a speciality in social media, we can also help with many other aspects of your press, whether it’s wading through submissions, arranging events, or making contacts with book review editors. Having a flair for problem-solving and the ability to learn quickly means we can pick up anything you might need us to, with minimal fuss.

As well as supporting book publishers, if you are a magazine and are struggling in certain areas — perhaps you would like more subscribers, more reach, or would like to get on Instagram — then we would also love to hear from you. 

Small presses often have small budgets and can’t afford to take on a permanent member of staff, with Disrupted Blue you don’t need to.

Clients Past and Present

“Vik Shirley gets it. She works only with publishers’ lists she genuinely admires and she gives them her all. If Vik Shirley says you should read a book, buy a book, pay attention, she’s not just going through the motions – trust her.”

Charles Boyle - CB Editions

“Vik Shirley came very highly recommended and she didn't disappoint. Her hard work promoting Vanguard's books was outstanding. I would also recommend her very highly.”

Richard Skinner - Vanguard Editions

Vik Shirley

Vik Shirley, founder of Disrupted Blue, is a poet, writer, critic, educator and editor who has been working with small presses since 2020. Vik has multiple publications with indie presses, a PhD and MA in Creative Writing, and a First-Class Honours degree in English Literature. She is Digital Editor of Sublunary Editions & a Poetry School tutor. There’s not much she can’t figure out. Let her help you! 

You can read more about Vik’s creative output here: http://vikshirley.com/

Contact: info [at] disruptedbluepublicity [dot] com